
Outpatient hospitalization allows the patient to return home the same day of the operation , this is what outpatient care consists of . Outpatient treatment involves the medical care of a patient, without hospitalization, or for a period of a few hours.

There is outpatient care in dialysis, chemotherapy, etc., where the patient receives his treatment in the hospital, then returns home to continue his daily activities.  Ambulatory  management

Gain in quality of life because the return home is done the same day, reduce infections associated with care, control health costs: the cost of outpatient surgery is lower compared to hospitalization.

Radiation oncology or radiotherapy

It is one of the main methods of cancer treatment at Clinique Sainte-Clotilde : the True Beam. It applies specific rays to destroy a tumor or pathological cells that risk developing into a tumour. The doctor specializing in this field knows the differences between the various types of rays. He knows which rays to use for which disease, and knows the effect of different rays on the body. He masters the handling of the various devices used for irradiation. Often treated with radiotherapy , when possible, breast cancers, whose normal form can thus be preserved. Radiation therapy is also used for localized cancers in the prostate, lung, uterus, lymph nodes, bones, skin and brain. Radiation oncology is often combined with chemotherapy or surgery. The patient is monitored very comprehensively in cooperation with the oncologist , or cancer specialist.


It corresponds to the use of certain chemical substances to treat an illness. It is a treatment technique in its own right, in the same way as surgery or radiotherapy. Cancer surgery is a method of treating cancer which consists of removing the tumour. This care is entrusted to surgeons specialized in a field (orthopedics for the bone, urology for the kidney and the urinary organs, neurosurgery for the brain, etc.).

Outpatient cardiology

In the context of interventional cardiology , outpatient treatment mainly concerns coronary angiography. Indeed, this type of examination does not necessarily require hospitalization since it is an investigation to make a diagnosis.

The attending physician who guides the patient through the course of care, centralizes his medical file and directs him if necessary to the medical specialist,

The city cardiologist upstream for the proposal of the outpatient procedure according to the patient’s eligibility and the decision-making aid criteria,

Ambulatory surgery allows the patient to return home the same day of the intervention. Decree No. 2012-969 of August 20, 2012 specifies that “structures practicing anesthesia or outpatient surgery provide care for a period of less than or equal to twelve hours, not including accommodation, for the benefit of patients whose state of health corresponds to these methods of care.

Our establishments involved in day surgery:

The ambulatory in pain

The Pain Assessment and Treatment Center (CETD) is attached to the Medicine Center of the Sainte-Clotilde Clinic and has a capacity of 4 places for outpatient treatment. The center takes care of outpatients suffering from chronic pain.

Chronic pain consultation

The establishment has organized consultations with various specialists to treat stubborn chronic pain, that is to say pain that has persisted for more than 3 months and is resistant to the usual analgesic treatments. Psychological support can be offered. The chronic pain referral structures have indirect access, patients must be referred to them by a doctor, a liaison letter must be provided.

The CETD also receives hospitalized patients for consultation, for advice or evaluation, in order to give an opinion on treatments and to guide their pain management after their discharge.

In preparation for an intervention programmed by the surgeon or the practitioner, this one directed you towards an anesthesia consultation.

Anesthesia is a set of techniques that allow the performance of a surgical , obstetrical or medical act (endoscopy, radiology, etc.) by eliminating or reducing pain.

It is a state comparable to sleep, produced by the injection of drugs, intravenously and/or by the breathing of anesthetic vapours, using an appropriate device.

It allows, by different techniques, to put to sleep only the part of your body on which the operation will take place. Its principle is to block the nerves of this region, by injecting a local anesthetic product near them.

A general anesthesia can be associated or become necessary, in particular in the event of insufficiency of the locoregional anesthesia.

Spinal anesthesia and epidural anesthesia are two particular forms of locoregional anesthesia, where the anesthetic product is injected near the spinal cord or the nerves that come out of it.

Any anesthesia, general or locoregional , performed for a non-urgent procedure, requires a consultation several days in advance and a pre-anaesthetic visit, the day before or a few hours before the anesthesia depending on the hospitalization conditions. Like anesthesia, they are performed by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. During the consultation and the visit, you are invited to ask any questions you deem useful for your information. The choice of the type of anesthesia will be determined according to the procedure planned, your state of health and the results of any additional examinations prescribed. The final choice is the decision and the responsibility of the anesthesiologist-resuscitator who will perform the anesthesia.

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