The 340B Program

Consulting firms specializing in the federal 340B program help 340B-eligible clinics get their programs up and running. They work in hospitals and clinics. They work with community health centers in underserved communities. Does your facility participate in the 340B program? If not, would you work with a consultant to get started?

Although the 340B program has had its detractors over more than 30 years of activity, it has accomplished incredible things. At the top of the list is having reduced the cost of prescription medications for millions of uninsured and low-income patients. By cutting the cost of prescription medications by up to 50%, the program has saved patients billions of dollars over the last 30+ years.

Help Your Community Be Healthier

340B consulting firms, like Florida-based Ravin Consultants, know first-hand how beneficial the 340B program is. They continually help community health centers, public clinics, and hospitals improve community help by providing affordable access to desperately needed prescription drugs.

We have all heard stories about desperately ill patients not being able to afford prescription drugs. We’ve heard stories about people having to choose between putting food on the table and getting their prescriptions filled. Things should not be that way. They don’t have to be, thanks to the 340B program.

Help and Expertise Are Available

So many eligible facilities have avoided getting on board with 340B because decision-makers felt the program was too complicated and too heavily regulated. Few would deny the reality of regulations and complications. But consultant expertise is the answer.

Taking advantage of 340B consulting services opens the door to a dynamic program that has offered tremendous savings on prescription drugs over the years. There is no reason to allow 340B complexities and regulatory restraints to prevent an eligible entity from enrolling. It shouldn’t prevent your facility from getting on board with what has proven to be a very good program.

Stretch Your Own Finances Further

In its simplest form, the 340B program is a federal drug-pricing program. Its main purpose is to provide outpatient medications to program participants at greatly reduced prices. Program participants can turn around and make those drugs available to patients at little or no cost to them.

By enrolling your clinic in the 340B program, you can stretch the money you have set aside to help improve access to underserved communities. Every dollar your organization spends on eligible prescription medications goes further because you’re getting more for less.

Incidentally, all sorts of healthcare facilities can enroll in the program:

  • Hospitals (including children’s hospitals).
  • Community health centers.
  • Public health clinics.
  • HIV/AIDS program providers.
  • Federally qualified health centers.
  • Indian Health Service facilities.

If you are not sure if your facility would qualify, there is no harm in asking. The worst that could happen after filing an application for eligibility is it being denied. But think of the other possibility. If your organization’s application is approved, your facility could become an open door to affordable prescription medications for people who cannot afford them any other way.

Start Working With a Consultant

Qualified 340B consultants typically offer 340B program assistance, management, and implementation services. If your facility is entertaining the thought of getting on board with the 340B program, start working with a consultant from day one.

The 340B program has proved itself over the last 30+ years. It is a worthwhile program that does a lot of remarkable things for people in need. Your organization can sign up to be part of it, giving you and your team the opportunity to make a real difference.

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