cbd candy

Have you bought a packet of CBD candy and are you wondering what effects you will feel after eating it? CBD candy or cake, we explain what to expect after eating legal cannabis!

What is CBD Candy?

A CBD candy is simply a candy in which there is cannabidiol, at a defined dose. This allows eating CBD to benefit from mild and gradual effects, since the cannabidiol candy must first be digested so that its active ingredient is metabolized by the liver and can thus take effect. Count about 2 hours before feeling the characteristic well-being offered by cannabidiol!

CBD candy and gummies

Do you know what a gummy is? Gummies are soft candies in the form of small sweet gummies to melt in your mouth. They look like two drops of water to any candy found everywhere, with one difference: they have been enriched to become dietary supplements. The candy format of the gummies makes them attractive because they are more fun, while being suitable for people who have difficulty swallowing the sometimes imposing capsules of the supplements.

Gummies, also called vitamin bears because of the tender texture of the little gummy bears of our childhood, should not be confused with CBD gummies. There are indeed different types of gummies, some that provide vitamins and minerals, others that provide certain vitamins… And finally, those with cannabidiol.

Vitamin gummies are different from CBD gummies , not only because of their composition, but also because of their consumption. A vitamin gummy is taken as a food supplement, which is not the case with CBD candy, which is taken primarily to relax.

Why eat CBD candy?

Eating CBD via gummies is a fun and easy way to get a dose of cannabidiol. To relax, you will not find better! Please note, like any CBD product, gummies are not medicine. Whatever your pathology, they cannot treat you. You must always refer to your doctor to benefit from an effective follow-up in the event of illness (physical illness or mental illness). If your doctor judges that cannabidiol could provide you with a greater comfort of life than the one you have, he will recommend the dose to consume. The effects of CBD (several of which remain speculated) deserve an article in their own right, as there are so many of them. Find at the end of our article a list with all our other articles on CBD to eat, and in particular one relating only to their effects!

What is a CBD Cake?

Is a CBD space cake legal?

Yes, there are CBD cakes and they are delicious! If you have secretly always dreamed of tasting a space cake, you can now do it completely legally! A CBD space cake , although it contains cannabis plant extracts, is not a drug. Indeed, all CBD cookies, CBD brownies and other pastries and treats that we sell do not contain THC. Due to a composition with a THC level of less than 0.2%, these sweets are legal in France.

How do CBD cakes and gummies taste?

And the taste in all this? If you bite into a CBD cake, you will be surprised to notice that the flavor is exactly the same as if it were a traditional treat. Of course, it depends on the brands! With Hazy, the hemp flavor is not present, either in its CBD brownies and cookies, but also in its gummies. Let’s talk about these Hazy candies for two minutes because they are excellent!

They are soft and melt in the mouth. We love the layer of sugar that covers them! In terms of flavors, the choice is vast: strawberry banana flavor, raspberry flavor, blueberry flavor, peach flavor, apple flavor… Yes, you have understood it, we are on fruity flavors, which will not be without reminding you of candies to the fruits of your childhood. Speaking of childhood, watch out! Because since the appearance and taste of foods with CBD are similar to those that do not contain it, children can be fooled and be tempted to eat them.

Keep your boxes safe from the hands of your dear little ones to avoid any theft of your precious delicacies! If you bring them to friends, remember to specify that they are cannabidiol products and that they should not be abused, even if there are no fears of dangerous side effects. in case of CBD overdose. We remind you, to test eating CBD, we always start with a small dose and we wait one to two hours to have the first effects! Keep your boxes safe from the hands of your dear little ones to avoid any theft of your precious delicacies! If you bring them to friends, remember to specify that they are cannabidiol products and that they should not be abused, even if there are no fears of dangerous side effects. in case of CBD overdose.

We remind you, to test eating CBD, we always start with a small dose and we wait one to two hours to have the first effects! Keep your boxes safe from the hands of your dear little ones to avoid any theft of your precious delicacies! If you bring them to friends, remember to specify that they are cannabidiol products and that they should not be abused, even if there are no fears of dangerous side effects. in case of CBD overdose. Remember, to try eating CBD, you always start with a small dose and wait one to two hours to get the first effects!

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