Dental Issues

If you have insomnia and you snore a lot, it can be a sign of a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can result in dental issues and vice-versa. In Land Park, Sacramento, residents are aware of how important it is to take care of their overall health. They would not want to risk it because of any reason. 

If a person does develop some dental issue, reaching out to a dentist at the right time can fix the problem. Almost twenty-five million adults in America suffer from sleep apnea, which is why it is considered a pervasive sleep disorder. You are likely to experience breathing interruptions, which are also called apneas. 

This happens when a person has weak airway muscles, and other factors, such as being overweight, can also cause this problem. Breathing problems take place because apnea does not let oxygen reach the lungs. 

Since it results in a disturbed sleep cycle, the person may not feel energetic during the daytime, and there can be other issues as well. Contact a dentist in Land Park, Sacramento, to fix your dental problem and sleep apnea as well. 

What are the symptoms of Sleep apnea?

There are various symptoms of sleep apnea; some of the prominent ones are listed below:

  • Breathing is reduced and might be absent as well.
  • Snoring loudly and frequently.
  • Finding it hard to take in the air during sleep.
  • Might feel sleepy during the daytime and feel fatigued.
  • Concentration is affected, and the person may not be able to pay attention.
  • Headaches are present when the person wakes up. 
  • Sexual dysfunction can also be there.
  • Not being able to remember things or forgetfulness can take place.

In women, you might also notice symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, and waking up frequently. In children, you might find asthma as one of the symptoms; they might wet the bed, too. Academic performance can also be negatively affected. Post-menopausal women are also at greater risk of developing sleep disorders. 

How is sleep apnea connected to oral health? 

As you might already be aware, getting good sleep is crucial for a variety of purposes. It keeps the person healthy and also reduces bad breath and mouth ulcers. Gum diseases are also reduced if a person is getting proper sleep. 

Dental problems that are associated with this sleep disorder include bruxism, mouth breathing, and Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Let us discuss these problems in brief below:

  • TMJ disorder:

The temporomandibular joint is what connects your lower jaw to your upper jaw. There are various symptoms of this disorder, which include jaw pain, head, neck, and shoulder pain, and hearing a clicking sound when opening or closing the jaw. 

There is also a locked jaw, which means a person might not be able to open or close their jaw for some time. Furthermore, according to studies, sleep apnea and FMJ disorder go hand in hand. 

  • Bruxism:

It is also called teeth grinding or clenching one’s jaw. It can take place at any time and can even happen when a person is asleep. There are adverse effects of bruxism on sleep patterns. You might wake up not feeling fresh, and there can also be headaches and pain in the neck and jaw area as well. 

  • Mouth breathing:

When a person has sleep apnea, they are likely to breathe from their mouth, which can lead to dry mouth. If someone has a dry mouth, their oral health is going to be negatively affected by it. Plaque buildup can also be seen, and the chances of getting gum disease also increase. 

Professionals can treat it!

Reach out to a professional to fix the condition, as they provide various treatment options as per your health condition. Usually, a medical doctor makes the diagnosis of sleep apnea. A dentist can help in managing oral health symptoms associated with the disorder. Your sleep quality can also be improved; dental health can be managed, too. 

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